Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Hey ladies and gents I thought I would take a moment and "blog" its been a while and I see that Crista has removed my last post. Fisrt an update on me and where I am for that last few days I have been in Salt Lake City spending time with the family before I head back to Del Rio then Spokane Wa for yet 3 more weeks of training. This time it is Survival training. Imagine 5 fun filled days in the mountains in April with no food followed by SERE training if you don't know what that is google it, I'll only say it sucks, and I will be glad when its over. After that is Del Rio, Altus then "Dover or Bust". Can't wait to get there and start downing crab cakes like they are going out of style. I 'm also very excited to start flying operationaly as all of my flying to this point has been training. I hope to see Europe and Iraq from 30,000 ft this summer, and who knows where else.

Now I would like to make mention that there is a lot of "frilly" stuff going on all over these blog pages, gentlemen its time to "butch it up a little". I'll take the fisrt step and post some photos of the greatest Airlifter the world has ever know. The GlobeMASTER is aptley named, and after having logged some 30 hours between training sorties and rides to Tacoma and Charlston I am quiet sure I fly the greatest Lifter that has ever split air molecules at FL340 or FL003 for that matter. Here are some more photos for your viewing enjoyment. In Closing "Gentlemen, Step it up, and good day to you ladies out there and "Above All" Blue Skies". (p.s. pun intended)


Jayci said...

Hurray for finishing up at Altus. And good luck with SERE. Josh Q just got here from finishing it two weeks ago and said it was the worst experience of his [air force] life. Not to worry you or anything.

You DO fly the best air lifter to split air molecules. Nice.

kris said...

Tim is so funny- good luck butching up the blog boys! And good luck at training Tim- hope it goes by quickly. Crista, I miss you and Addy. How is she doing? Is she walking yet? I hope you are having fun in UT. Miss you guys!

brettandchristie said...

Hi Guys,

Tim, Crista is right she did not delete your previous blog it is in the archive. The picture are awesome. I was great to be able to spend time with you while you were in SLC. We love you all and miss you.