Monday, April 14, 2008

A Year Goes By So Fast....

It isn't Adilyn's birthday until Wednesday but I have been reflecting back to last year since I had her on Monday morning. WOW! How quickly a year goes by and how sad I am to have those baby months gone. It is nice, however, to see her learn and grow. It seems she has truly become a little toddler in the last couple weeks with walking, talking more, getting more teeth and interacting...oh, and of course, who could forget the tantrums that have begun? :)

What a crazy time it was, last April. Tim was finishing the second "track" of his training and I was a balloon ready to pop with swollen feet that wouldn't hardly fit into Crock's! I planned Adilyn's birth (c-section) according to when Tim could have a couple days to spend with us and all my efforts went down the drain because the Air Force's Instructor's are incredibly thoughtful....another story for another day....I'd hate to ruin this lovely post about my sweet princess:).

We went in early Monday morning and Adilyn joined us at 9:00am. How MUCH she looked like Tim, it was incredible! Everything went really well and we were filled with joy that our baby had arrived. Tim had to fly the next day so needless to say, he was unable to spend much time with us at the hospital Tuesday or Wednesday so we went home a day early. How incredible it was to see Tim's confidence as a new father. He jumped right in (partly because I was recovering) and changed diapers, held her, got her dressed, etc. How intensely my love for him grew and what a GREAT dad he is! I am truly blessed with a wonderfuly supportive husband who sacrifices so much for us. We miss you babe (he's at Survival training til the end of the month).

Anyway, didn't want to post something terribly long but I just wanted to share with you my thoughts from today. How wonderful it is to be a mother and ESPECIALLY Adilyn's mother! How much I love my little munchkin!!!!


Marie said...

I can't believe it's been a whole year already!! I still remember coming to your house with Larissa to visit you after you had her. Tim sat outside most of the time avoiding us girls, I think ;) Anyway, your mom was there too, and I was amazed at how well you seemed (were you just pretending?!?!) to be doing as a new mom, post-c-section, and mostly husband-less with a new baby. You're so awesome and so are your sweet little girl and Tim too! We're excited for you guys to be clebrating her birthday and can't wait to join you at Dover. You'll have to post pics of your house so we can see what they look like. We had friends take some pics but they never made it to us. Anyway, happy 1st birthday Adilyn!

Tiff Rudd said...

Happy Birthday little Adilyn! Motherhood really is wonderful and Adilyn seems like such a sweetheart! I wish I could meet her in person! Seems very strange that I haven't!! Are you guys going to Utah at all in June? Hopefully we can get together sometime soon! Love and miss you guys! Can't wait to see picts of the birthday party!

Jayci said...

wow - a YEAR!!! The first time I saw her was at the Dukart's house at the bbq thing. She cuddled up to me like a little peanut!! She was/is SO adorable and so sweet. I love her and I'm not even related!! So I can only imagine the love you have for her. Congratulations on the first year of Motherhood! You are terrif. Hope Tim's doing as well as he can there. yuck!

The Powells said...

look at that cute little face...they grow way to fast!!

Kris said...

What a little dolly! I love the baby picture of her. Time goes by so fast with the kids (although there are those days where it seems like it couldn't go quick enough). She is a sweet girl and I hope she has a great bday. Hope things are going well with you while Tim's gone. Austins leaving tomorrow to go to survival, so call me if you're bored! I'll be here!

Watts Family said...

Thank you so much for the yummy recipe. I need to try it soon. I hope that you guys are doing well. Adilyn is getting so big.

Aldred Family said...

Crista... you are amazing! I loved reading this post!! Adilyn is so blessed to have such an awesome mama! Happy 1st Bday, big girl Addy! Hope things are going well!